Interview with Milica Arsenijevic, Marketing Working Student
Peers: What is the best piece of professional advice you’ve ever received?
Milica: Actually, it is very simple. A founder of a company once answered to my question if there was any competition in her field “No, there is no competition for me”. At first, I was surprised. Then, I understood what she really meant. If you just do your best, by focusing on the product and your success, you will achieve much more and be far ahead of the others. So, she went on talking: “Focus on yourself, find your own path and achieve your own goals. If everyone walked the same path, it would be really crowded.”
Peers: If you could meet any living person for dinner, who would you pick and why?
Milica: The choice is clear. I would meet Michelle Obama – she is one of the greatest role models I know. What I admire about her is that she has always been dedicated to change something in the world, to make an impact. She has always focused on education and is extremely devoted to make a progress in her life. Moreover, she is a tough and impressive woman and I look up to her. You can see that she has a grip on life. This is what I am looking for too.
Peers: If you could snap your fingers and become an expert in something, what would it be?
Milica: One of my basic goals is to learn dancing. It is my favorite sport and generally, sport helps me to cope with the current situation.

Peers: What is your go-to productivity trick?
Milica: My biggest secret is to do breaks. I read that people on average work two hours productively from the eight-hour working day. I would like to avoid this kind of laziness by refocusing on other things for a couple of minutes, maybe go outside, just allow yourself to take a break.
Peers: What is the one thing your colleagues don’t know about you? Do you have any secret talents?
Milica: I am a very good singer, I do it all the time and in my breaks as well.
Peers: Which fictional character do you relate to?
Milica: Very spontaneously, Olivia Pope in Scandal, clearly not because she has an affair with the President but because of her strength as a woman and her very interesting analytical mindset. If there is any problem, she is the one to call. Olivia will know what to do. Facing challenges is her daily business.